HIV Policy Assessment: Ukraine
The legal and regulatory review and key informant interviews confirmed that Ukraine has developed a strong foundation for protecting the rights of people living with HIV and providing HIV-related medical and social services to the population of Ukraine—particularly IDUs—with the support of international organizations and donor-funded projects. Key informants at the national and regional levels pointed out that many laws and regulations were developed with the support of donor-funded projects and with advocacy by international organizations.
Тип видання:
Профілактика ВІЛ, Лікування ЛЖВС, Ґендерні питання, Зменшення стигми і дискримінації, Консультування та тестування, Фінанси та планування, Політика і практика, координація, Коінфекція ВІЛ/ТБ, Догляд та підтримка для ЛЖВС
While there is a strong HIV policy foundation, policies are not effectively or consistently implemented.
As nearly every key informant pointed out, at both the national and local levels “implementation, coordination, and collaboration are often left to individual personalities and interests of those involved.”
Gaps and barriers in HIV policy implementation in Ukraine include the following:
- A lack of detailed mechanisms, such as operational guidelines or standards, to support the implementation of HIV laws and regulations.
- Inadequate strategic planning or a lack of detail in implementation plans.
- Insufficient resources mobilized to implement the laws and regulations.
- A lack of awareness and acceptance of legal protections for vulnerable groups among key stakeholder groups, including law enforcement, local government, and healthcare providers.