Ukraine Health System Assessment 2011
In response to a request from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/ Ukraine, the USAID-funded Health Systems 20/20 Project conducted a Health Systems Assessment (HSA) in order to: 1) identify strengths and weaknesses in the Ukraine health system, focusing on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and family planning; 2) develop recommendations to inform USAID/Ukraine‘s health programming; and 3) review the Government of Ukraine‘s (GOU) draft health reform plan. The HSA was conducted from January to April 2011. It evaluated key health system functions organized around the six technical building blocks developed by the World Health Organization: governance; health financing; service delivery; human resources; medical products; and health information systems (HIS). The team identified a number of strengths and opportunities in the health system in Ukraine as well as four cross-cutting constraints that captured the majority of the key weaknesses across the health system components. Assessment recommendations were tailored to address the four cross-cutting constraints and to highlight opportunities that the GOU, USAID, overseas development and donor agencies, and other key stakeholders may choose to pursue to strengthen the health system in order to improve the health of all Ukrainians.
Тип видання:
Фінанси та планування, Кадри, Політика і практика, координація, Коінфекція ВІЛ/ТБ