Governance of HIV/AIDS Project: Final Report

The UNDP Governance of HIV/AIDS project was established in the year 2004 as a successor of 2 previous projects that dealt with HIV/AIDS issues. The objective of the project is to provide advice and support to the governmental institutions involved into the national AIDS response through creation of the framework for better governance of the HIV/AIDS issues at all levels and encouraging multi‐sectoral partnership and coordination.
Thus, the project ensures implementation 2 of the 3 major lines of the UNDP response to HIV/AIDS, namely:
-Governance of the HIV/AIDS response;
-HIV/AIDS, human rights and gender.
Project work directions are derived from the CPAP, UNDAF and other framework documents. They are organized into 3 main outputs:
Output 1. Increased capacities of the selected governmental agencies in designing and implementing strategies on HIV/AIDS for a better response to the epidemic. 
Output 2. Developed capacities of the regional authorities at the oblast, rayon and municipal level and local communities to address the HIV/AIDS epidemics.
Output 3. Empowerment of the society in protection of human rights of the people affected by HIV/AIDS.
Тип видання: Звіт Рубрика: Профілактика ВІЛ, Зменшення стигми і дискримінації, Фінанси та планування, Кадри, Політика і практика, координація, Коінфекція ВІЛ/ТБ