Catalyzing Change Through Innovation, Partnerships, and Comprehensive Services. Scaling-Up the National Response to HIV/AIDS through Information and Services (SUNRISE) project

This report summarizes the work of USAID SUNRISE project. It also is forward looking, offering inspirational and proven examples as well as new models for further AIDS response in Ukraine to be potentially applied in the broader contexts of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and on a global level.The SUNRISE project achieved its primary goals to:
• Effectively reach at least 60 percent of most-at-riskpopulations with effective, high-quality information andservices to prevent parenteral and sexual transmission ofHIV in strategically selected sites
• Increase the accessibility of high-quality care and supportinformation and services for PLWH and other populationsaffected by the epidemic
• Strengthen the prevention-care continuum with a particularfocus on improving the quality and reach of VCT services
• Strengthen the ability of local organizations and communitiesto collaboratively analyze plan, deliver, monitor, and evaluatenewly introduced information and services
Тип видання: Звіт Рубрика: Профілактика ВІЛ, Моніторинг та оцінка, національна звітність, Лікування ЛЖВС, Ґендерні питання, Зменшення стигми і дискримінації, Консультування та тестування, Фінанси та планування, Кадри, Політика і практика, координація, Коінфекція ВІЛ/ТБ, Догляд та підтримка для ЛЖВС