Good practices in Europe: HIV prevention for People Who Inject Drugs implemented by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine
The purpose of this review is to document the work of Alliance Ukraine and to assess whether such work is a ‘good practice’ that could be replicated in other countries faced with a serious HIV/AIDS epidemic driven largely by unsafe injecting behaviours. The review was undertaken during July 2013 and data was updated were available in April 2014. Criteria have been developed to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the full range of support given by Alliance Ukraine and its local NGO and Government partners relating to the implementation, management and ongoing development of the national HIV prevention programme throughout Ukraine. The overall conclusion is that whilst coverage of some of the harm reduction interventions in Ukraine is not yet optimal, the overall work of Alliance Ukraine is a ‘good practice’ that is suitable for possible replication in other countries
Тип видання:
Профілактика ВІЛ, Лікування ЛЖВС, Ґендерні питання, Зменшення стигми і дискримінації, Ризикована поведінка, Консультування та тестування, Кадри, Політика і практика, координація, Коінфекція ВІЛ/ТБ, Догляд та підтримка для ЛЖВС