Summary of Research Findings Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavioral Practices Regarding HIV/AIDS/STI among FSWs
Research Objectives:
Тип видання:
Профілактика ВІЛ, Ризикована поведінка
1. Assess:
Knowledge of FSWs and their clients about HIV/STI.
Attitudes of FSWs and their clients toward HIV and STI infection risks, including client attitudes regarding the use of condoms during sex.
Prevalence of risky sexual practices among FSWs and their clients, including group sex, use of sex toys, provision of sexual services under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc.
Attitudes of FSWs and their clients toward their own sexual and reproductive health, including seeking the assistance of professional healthcare specialists.
Use of condoms by clients during sexual contact with FSWs and regular partners:
- Prevalence of condom use during vaginal, oral, and anal sex;
- Reasons for non-use of condoms;
- Patterns of condom use during transactional sex;
- post-exposure prevention.Client needs for prevention services and preferred service delivery models, including consultations with healthcare professionals from STD facilities, VCT, etc.
2. Analyze:
Socio-demographic [client profiling] data broken down by setting or location — in which commercial sex services are offered (truck stop areas, hotels/bars/cafes located near truck stop areas, ring roads; apartments; services sought on an on-call basis [online or call services]);
Models of prevention and education service delivery preferred by clients:
- Information communication channels;
- Sites and areas of visual information presentation.