Summary of results of the ethnographic study of the lifestyle and principal behavioral models of the injecting drug users in Kyiv
Тип видання:
Профілактика ВІЛ, Лікування ЛЖВС, Ґендерні питання, Ризикована поведінка, Фінанси та планування, Політика і практика, координація, Догляд та підтримка для ЛЖВС
1. The study results showed that there are drug scene changes going on in Kyiv. Thus, in connection with the opiates sales curtailing and price increase IDUs change for cheaper drugs — desomorphine, pharmacy stimulants etc.
2. Among the interviewed IDUs the poly-drug use is widespread — use of different drugs, substitution of the drugs which are hard to access with more available ones.
3. The widespread practice involves the sale of the opiates mixed up with desomorphine or tropicamide. IDUs buying such “dirty” drug do not know about this and are not aware of possible health risks.
4. There is a tendency that among young drug users the injecting use of drugs is initiated from desomorphine.
5. The networks of IDUs using desomorphine or stimulants are not large. As a rule, they include 3-7 trusted persons. IDUs using desomorphine are not eager to expand the circle of the people with whom they cook and use drugs.
6. The large number of the “new” drugs recently emerged have spawned a variety of slang terms which are unknown or confusing for IDUs. The consequences of using and “unknown” drug for IDUs may include overdose, poly-drug use, health risks.
7. Neglecting the solution infection risks during drug cooking is quite widespread among the cooks of home-made drugs. The cooks re-use production vessels to cook and distribute the drug. The vessels are washed poorly and not disinfected properly. The cooking process of separate types of home-made drugs does not envisage boiling which can also be a risk factor.